
Tell me a joke.

You said

Tell me a joke.

AI said

🤖 A programmer, a hardware engineer, and a software engineer were sitting at a bar. The bartender asked them what their favorite programming language was. The programmer replied, "C++ because it's powerful and fast." The hardware engineer said, "Assembly because it's close to the metal." And the software engineer said, "Java because it runs on a billion devices." They all looked at each other and said, "Raise your glasses! We are all different, yet we all love coding!"

You said

Now one about computers.

AI said

💻 Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a computer named Bob. He was a very smart computer, but he had one big problem - he couldn't connect to the internet. So, every day, Bob would ask his friend Alice for help. She tried everything she could think of, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, after weeks of trying, Alice gave up and said, "Bob, I can't help you anymore. It seems like you have an offline problem."

You said


AI said

🌐 In a world where everyone is connected through the internet, there once lived a computer named John. John was a very special computer, as he didn't need any cables or wires to connect to the web. One day, John decided to visit his friend Mary, who was also a computer. When they met, Mary exclaimed, "John, how do you manage to stay online without any cables? You must be using Wi-Fi!" To which John replied, "No, Mary, I don't use Wi-Fi. I just have a wireless connection built into my CPU."