
Tell me a funny joke.

You said

Tell me a funny joke.

AI said

🎉 Here's a hilarious joke to brighten your day!

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he sits down, he notices two men arguing at a nearby table. Curious, he asks them what they're fighting about. One of the men replies, "An agreement." The other man says, "You call this an agreement? We agreed to talk about agreements!"

You said

Noe one about computers.

AI said

💻 I apologize for that last joke. How about a computer-related joke instead?

Two programmers are walking in the forest when they stumble upon a magic lamp. They rub it, and a genie appears. The genie grants each programmer three wishes related to their work.

The first programmer thinks for a moment and says, "I wish for a 100% bug-free codebase." The genie nods and disappears.

The second programmer smirks and says, "I wish for infinite processing power and memory." The genie nods again and vanishes.

After the genie leaves, the first programmer turns to the second programmer and says, "Alright, let's see your code run on my machine."