
If a room as 12' x 10' and is at 50F, how many candles would be required to raise the temperature to 72F in 4 hours.

You said

If a room as 12' x 10' and is at 50F, how many candles would be required to raise the temperature to 72F in 4 hours.

AI said

12 * 10 = 120 square feet
120 * (72 - 50) / 4 = 360 BTU/h

So you need about 360 BTUs per hour to heat up the room.

One candle produces about 8-9 BTUs per hour, so you would need around 40-45 candles to heat up the room in 4 hours.

You said

One candle actually produces 75 to 85 BTU.

AI said

120 * (72 - 50) / 4 = 360 BTU/h

So you need about 360 BTUs per hour to heat up the room.

One candle produces about 75 to 85 BTUs per hour, so you would need around 4 or 5 candles to heat up the room in 4 hours.

You said

Based on this information, in the same size of room, if it is 82 degrees fahrenheit currently, what would the temperature be after 3 hours with 2 candles?

AI said

12 * 10 = 120 square feet
120 * (82 - 50) / 3 = 240 BTU/h

With two candles producing about 75-85 BTUs per hour each, you will have approximately 150-170 BTUs per hour heating the room.

After three hours, the room should be around 72 + 240 / 3 = 80 F.

You said

You missed the part where it was currently 82F already.

AI said

120 * (82 - 50) / 3 = 240 BTU/h

With two candles producing about 75-85 BTUs per hour each, you will have approximately 150-170 BTUs per hour heating the room.

After three hours, the room should be around 82 + 240 / 3 = 85 F.

You said

What about after 80 hours?

AI said

120 * (82 - 50) / 80 = 240 BTU/h

With two candles producing about 75-85 BTUs per hour each, you will have approximately 150-170 BTUs per hour heating the room.

After 80 hours, the room should be around 82 + 240 * 80 / 80 = 82 F.

You said

that's not right

AI said

120 * (82 - 50) / 80 = 240 BTU/h

With two candles producing about 75-85 BTUs per hour each, you will have approximately 150-170 BTUs per hour heating the room.

After 80 hours, the room should be around 82 + 240 * 80 / 80 = 82 F.

You said


AI said